

Some articles in which we are mentioned in the press. Have fun reading!

Saint Tropez Porsche

Saint Tropez Porsche
Saint Tropez: 'Le Paradis Porsche'. Thank you for the flowers!

Thank you letter from Porsche

Thank you letter from Porsche
Thank you letter from Porsche for the winning season 2002.

Article in Carrera-Magazin

Article in Carrera-Magazin
'Ali Baba’s cave'. We say: Thank you for the flowers!

Article in Motorsport Aktuell (01/07/03)

Article in Motorsport Aktuell (01/07/03)
Report about the N-GT championship.

Article in Motorsport Aktuell (29/07/03)

Article in Motorsport Aktuell (29/07/03)
Report about the N-GT championship.

Article in Sport Auto

Article in Sport Auto
Freisinger on their way to the top.

Kurier (01/08/03)

Kurier (01/08/03)
Report about the exhibition of the winning Porsche of the 24h of Spa.

Boulevard Baden (03/08/03)

Boulevard Baden (03/08/03)
Another report about the exhibition of the winning Porsche of the 24h of Spa.

The Results from the N-GT 2004

The Results from the N-GT 2004
Results from the FIA N-GT for the 2004 season.

Freisinger festival

Freisinger festival
Report in 'Motorsport Aktuell' of 03/08/2004.

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